Contract Development Application Skills in the West Midlands

Results 1 - 42 of 42
Sort by Demand Rank 6 Months to 29 May 2024Rank
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Jobs Vacancies
Git52+16£375-31.19%61 3.13%69
Visual Studio62+60£535-6.95%50 2.57%14
PVCS69-£535-42 2.16%
JIRA78-47£500+5.26%33 1.70%57
Rational Rhapsody97+27£260-1.14%14 0.72%
Jenkins101-20£613+13.42%10 0.51%7
Bitbucket102-11£550+1.85%9 0.46%7
Subversion103+21£675+58.82%8 0.41%5
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)104+21£400+23.07%7 0.36%5
Cypress.io104+17£425-39.28%7 0.36%2
CANoe104-£525-7 0.36%8
Artifactory105+10£675+25.00%6 0.31%2
Selenium105+3£675+5.88%6 0.31%7
GitLab106-11£388-28.24%5 0.26%11
Ant106-£500-5 0.26%4
webpack108+17£368-22.63%3 0.15%1
Hudson108+16£400-13.51%3 0.15%1
NUnit108+15£335-52.14%3 0.15%5
Sonatype Nexus108---3 0.15%1
Oracle Forms109+15£596+59.00%2 0.10%2
Cucumber109+15£301-29.11%2 0.10%
TeamCity109+14£544+20.83%2 0.10%3
Appium109+14£450-7.69%2 0.10%
Moq109+14--2 0.10%
Rational DOORS109+8£375-36.44%2 0.10%6
Atlassian Bamboo109+4--2 0.10%
Octopus Deploy109-£519-2 0.10%2
UI Automator109-£450-2 0.10%
Travis CI109-£300-2 0.10%1
kappa109-£573-2 0.10%
Postman109-£358-2 0.10%5
XCUITest109-£450-2 0.10%
JUnit110+14£420-6.66%1 0.051%1
JMeter110+13£525+7.69%1 0.051%
Visual Studio Team System110+12--1 0.051%
Gradle110+11£420-30.00%1 0.051%1
Maven110+4£420-22.22%1 0.051%1
CA Gen110---1 0.051%
Android Studio110-£450-1 0.051%1
TestRail110-£525-1 0.051%
IDA Disassembler110-£550-1 0.051%
Xcode110-£450-1 0.051%